After a long hiatus, aethernet14 is back - coincidentally, on a semi-auspicious date! A lot has changed since I left, so this post is just gonna be me running through that and explaining what happened, and what's different.
First of all, I'm no longer a Christian. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is as follows; First of all, Christianity and indeed all major religions, ESPECIALLY ABRAHAMIC ONES, are undoubtedly psyops. There is just no way I can make the mental gymnastics of believing that, despite the complete grip the elites have on all aspects of the world, Christianity is somehow the only untouched and pure religion. That's the main reason, and though there are others I will not waste my time trying to explain them all because I know that most Christians will completely ignore my arguments anyway, because they are brainwashed into blindly rejecting any alternative worldviews presented to them. Don't get me wrong, the Bible still has some interesting numerology and symbolism. However, now I see it as more of an AI predictive programming script (more on that later) than some sort of infallible holy text.
I deleted all my previous blog posts because they had either stopped being accurate to my worldview (especially with the change in religion) or they seemed too schizo and poorly thought out to keep up. I want this to be a new start for aethernet14, and I want it to be a place of genuine discussion and study, rather than poorly written rants. So, look out for new posts coming soon, and remember that everything is not as bad as it seems.